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Rebecca Kislak, Esq.

Rebecca Kislak is a seasoned lawyer and policy expert.  Through her professional and board leadership, she has demonstrated excellence in relationship building, collaborative advocacy, program development, facilitation and strategic planning.


Much of Ms. Kislak’s 20+ years of law and policy experience has been in healthcare settings.  In addition to health policy expertise, she has substantive experience in a variety of subject matter areas, including housing policy and all areas of legislative and regulatory proceedings. She currently serves as a part-time Rhode Island State Representative. 


As part of a team of doctors and lawyers who recognized that patients often face non-medical barriers to health, Ms. Kislak co-founded the medical-legal partnership in Worcester, Massachusetts and later directed the Rhode Island Medical-Legal Partnership. Most recently, she has provided strategic policy support and advocacy for Rhode Island’s community health centers as policy director and counsel for the Rhode Island Health Center Association.  Ms. Kislak has extensive board leadership experience, including recent terms as the co-chair of the Rhode Island Oral Health Commission and vice president of the Rhode Island Parent Information Network. She serves as the Rhode Island state representative for the DentaQuest Foundation Regional Oral Health Connection Team.


Ms. Kislak holds a bachelor’s degree from Brown University and a Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center. She is licensed to practice law in Rhode Island, Massachusetts (inactive) and Pennsylvania. 


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